CFORSJ Procedia <p>CFORSJ Procedia, is a dedicated platform that compiles and publishes the proceedings of conferences organized by the Centre of Research for Fiqh Forensics and Judiciary (CFORSJ), Faculty of Syariah and Law, USIM. This innovative publication showcases scholarly contributions presented at conferences, providing a comprehensive repository of research findings and insights in the fields of fiqh, forensic sciences and legal studies.</p> <p>Key Features:</p> <ol> <li> <p><strong>Conference Proceedings Compilation:</strong> CFORSJ Procedia gathers and presents the proceedings of conferences organized or endorsed by CFORSJ Editorial Team. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers, academics, and practitioners seeking access to the latest advancements and discussions in fiqh, forensic sciences and legal studies.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Multidisciplinary Coverage:</strong> Encompassing a wide spectrum of topics within fiqh, forensic sciences and legal studies, CFORSJ Procedia welcomes contributions from various disciplines, fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>International Reach:</strong> With a focus on promoting international collaboration, CFORSJ Procedia invites submissions from researchers and scholars worldwide, enriching the diversity of perspectives presented in the conference proceedings.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Open Access:</strong> In alignment with the principles of open access, CFORSJ Procedia ensures that the conference proceedings are freely accessible to a global audience. This facilitates the dissemination of knowledge and promotes academic engagement on a broader scale.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Rigorous Peer Review:</strong> All conference papers included in CFORSJ Procedia undergo a robust peer-review process to maintain the high standards of scholarship associated with CFORSJ Editorial Team. This ensures the credibility and quality of the content published.</p> </li> <li> <p><strong>Continuous Updates:</strong> CFORSJ Procedia is updated regularly with new conference proceedings, reflecting the dynamic nature of research and the evolving landscape of fiqh, forensic sciences and legal studies.</p> </li> </ol> <p>By providing a platform for the dissemination of conference proceedings, CFORSJ Procedia contributes to the advancement of knowledge, facilitates scholarly exchange, and reinforces CFORSJ's commitment to fostering excellence in the fields of fiqh, forensic sciences and legal studies. Researchers and conference participants are invited to explore the wealth of insights presented within the pages of CFORSJ Procedia.</p> en-US Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 OJS 60 Governing Emerging Technology Based on The Maqasid Syariah and Ethics in Law and Syariah Programs in Higher Education <p>Both society and new technology shape one another. There is a need to promote positive advancements while keeping in mind the fundamental rights and values that democratic societies are based on while deciding how to regulate future technology. The necessity for an interdisciplinary approach is widely acknowledged in the international discussion on the legal and ethical regulation of Artificial intelligence (AI) and other new technologies, which is typically regarded to require skills in law, ethics, and computer science or machine learning at a minimum. This paper highlights the law, ethics, and machine learning, it further examines governance from a holistic and multidisciplinary perspective to find out what is necessary to comply with the law, to clarify what is morally right, and to suggest workable technological solutions. Thus, this study is informed based on ethical aspects that should be addressed in governing emerging technology based by identifying the legal development in regulating legal education in public universities by reviewing the Standard Program Law and Syariah issued by the Malaysian Qualifying Agency (2015). The fundamental foundations for this study are the maqasid syariah and ethics, which are used to construct a model for managing developing technologies in law and syariah programmes. This study uses doctrinal research from primary and secondary sources to identify the essential concepts, difficulties, and obstacles to develop the model. While both frameworks have certain common grounds or goals, adopting the Maqasid Syariah framework into higher education programmes in law and Syariah can assist guarantee that developing technology is guided by ethical and moral norms. Maqasid Syariah principles enhance the well-being of individuals and society. Overall, governing emerging technologies requires a multi-faceted approach that prioritizes benefits and costs, trustworthy characteristics, equitable and inclusive processes, and consumer safety, privacy, and security. It also requires knowledge sharing and cross-sector collaboration to adapt to the unpredictable nature of business models that rely on emerging technologies.</p> Syahirah Abdul Shukor, Noor Dzuhaidah Osman Copyright (c) 2023 CFORSJ Procedia Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 The Factors of Continuance Intention to Use Zakat Application in Malaysia <p>Technological advances in digitization and increased use of smartphones worldwide have made the management process easier and payments via mobile devices. The digitization method has begun to be recognized in the community where it allows the community to enjoy services in a flexible and easy way while doing their daily activities. This study examines the factors of continued use of digital zakat applications among the community. A total of 405 questionnaires were collected and SPSS was used to test the proposed theoretical model using technology acceptance (UTAUT) and intention to continue (ECM). The results of the study were analyzed descriptively and multiple regression. The results of the study found that the expectation of convenience is the main factor that influences the intention to continue using the digital zakat application among the Muslim community in Malaysia. The results of this study also show that the intention to continue using digital zakat applications is positive which is in line with the trend of using digital applications nowadays.</p> Noraini Saro, Mohd Afandi Mat Rani , Azri Bhari Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Cabaran Pemasaran Produk Halal di Malaysia: Kajian Kes di Syarikat Faiza Sdn Bhd <p>Competition in marketing or business has prompted companies to allocate commitments to the production of halal products. This has driven Faiza Sdn. Bhd (FAIZA company) to emphasize the halal product certification process to effectively face intense competition. This interview study was conducted to identify the company's marketing channels, strategies employed in marketing halal products, and the challenges faced by the company in promoting halal products to establish a global reputation. The study involved a face-to-face interview with an informant holding a managerial position at the central branch of FAIZA. Data collection was based on face-to-face interviews, providing comprehensive information related to the company's development, challenges, expectations, and more. Therefore, this study is expected to serve as an example for other halal product marketing companies, while also contributing to the increased production of high-quality halal products.</p> <p> </p> <p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Persaingan dalam sesebuah pemasaran atau perniagaan telah memberikan satu dorongan kepada syarikat-syarikat untuk mengagihkan komitmen terhadap sesuatu penghasilan produk halal. Hal ini telah mendorong syarikat Faiza Sdn. Bhd (syarikat FAIZA) untuk mengetengahkan pengkualitian produk halal yang telah dihasilkan supaya persaingan yang banyak dapat dihadapi dengan lebih efektif. Kajian temu bual ini dijalankan bagi mengenalpasti medium pemasaran syarikat, strategi yang digunakan oelh syarikat dalam pemasaran produk halal serta cabaran syarikat dalam mempromodikan produk halal sehingga syarikat berjaya menempa nama di peringkat global. Kajian ini melibatkan temu bual bersemuka bersama seorang informan yang menjawat jawatan sebagai pengurus syarikat FAIZA cawangan tengah. Kaedah pengumpulan data adalah berdasarkan kepada temu bual secara bersemuka. Justeru, kajian memberikan maklumat sepenuhnya berkaitan dengan perkembangan syarikat, cabaran, harapan dan sebagainya. Oleh itu, kajian ini diharapkan agar dapat menjadi contoh kepada syarikat-syarikat pemasaran poduk halal yang lain sekaligus memperbanyakkan lagi pengeluaran produk halal yang berkualiti.</p> Puteri Balqis Hasani, Nur Fatin Nabilah Shahrom, Afiqah Haris, Nurul Alia Atiqah Kasmi, Nurul Nabila Mohd Azhar Copyright (c) 2023 CFORSJ Procedia Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 The Jurisdiction of The International Criminal Court Over The Illegal Settlements Within The Palestinian Territories <p>This study focuses on the most important topic of the conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis, which is the topic of Israeli settlement, as this study highlights the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the Illegal Settlements within the Palestinian Territories. According to Article 13 (a) and 14 of the Rome Statute, the ICC has jurisdiction over alleged crimes that occur on the territory of a member state of the Rome Statute. So far 123 States a party to the Rome statute including of state of Palestine. Hence, the ICC has authority over the member states to the Rome Statute. The importance of this study appears in shedding light on the jurisdiction of the ICC over the Illegal Settlements within the Palestinian Territories. This study aims to reveal how the ICC can exercise its jurisdiction over the Illegal Settlements within the Palestinian Territories. To answer this question, a qualitative analysis will be used as its research methodology where both primary and secondary sources will be thoroughly examined. State of Palestine is a member state of the Rome Statute, and therefore the ICC has jurisdiction over Illegal Settlements in the Palestinian territories.</p> Murad M. A. Abu Murad Copyright (c) 2023 Murad M. A. Abu Murad Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Peraturan Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia 2022: Ulasan Terhadap Pindaan Jawatankuasa Muzakarah Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam <p>The National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs (MKI) is an entity established by the Conference of Rulers on October 17, 1968. It is responsible for coordinating the administration of Islam throughout the country based on its jurisdiction as outlined in the National Council for Islamic Religious Affairs Regulations 1968 (MKI Regulations 1968). However, in 2022, these regulations were amended to improve the administration of MKI. These amendments breathed new life into the functions of this council and several committees established under it. Therefore, this study is presented to review the amendments made to the fatwa committee, which is one of the committees under MKI. This qualitative study uses document analysis methodology, including books, acts, enactments, research articles, and the MKI Regulations. Semi-structured interviews and comparative research methods were also employed to examine the changes to the fatwa committee. The study found several amendments were made, including the establishment and appointment, membership, tasks, and the rebranding of the committee. The amendments were aimed at adding value to the committee without compromising its original functionality.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Agama Islam (MKI) merupakan satu entiti yang ditubuhkan oleh Majlis Raja-Raja pada 17 Okotober 1968. Ia merupakan badan yang bertanggungjawab dalam melakukan penyelarasan pentadbiran agama Islam di seluruh negara berdasarkan kepada bidangkuasanya yang termaktub dalam Peraturan Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia 1968 (Peraturan MKI 1968). Namun begitu, pada tahun 2022, peraturan ini telah dipinda bertujuan bagi menambahbaik tadbir urus MKI. Pindaan ini telah memberikan nafas baharu kepada kefungsian majlis ini serta beberapa jawatankuasa yang ditubuhkan di bawahnya. Oleh itu, kajian ini dikemukakan bagi meninjau pindaan yang telah dilakukan terhadap jawatankuasa fatwa yang merupakan salah satu jawatankuasa di bawah MKI. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif menggunakan metodologi analisis dokumen yang merangkumi buku, akta, enakmen, artikel penyelidikan dan juga Peraturan MKI. Kaedah temubual separa berstruktur dan penelitian secara komparatif juga telah dilakukan dalam mengulas perubahan yang berlaku terhadap jawatankuasa fatwa tersebut. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat beberapa pindaan telah dilakukan yang merangkumi penubuhan dan perlantikan, keanggotan, tugasan dan juga penjenamaan baharu jawatankuasa tersebut. Didapati pindaan yang telah dilakukan bertujuan memberikan nilai tambah kepadanya tanpa menjejaskan kefungsian asal jawatankuasa ini. </p> Ahmad Tarmizi Mahmud, Irwan Mohd Subri, Mohd Nasir Abdul Majid Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Tarmizi Mahmud, Irwan Mohd Subri, Mohd Nasir Abdul Majid Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Marriage and Divorce Among Muslim Refugees Under Shariah Law in Malaysia and Other Muslim Refugee Host Countries: A Scoping Review Focusing on Evidentiary Law and Procedures <p>Refugees are granted rights and protection in Islamic law, in addition to international treaties and declarations that bind a particular host country. Since Malaysia is not a signatory to any international convention on refugees, such as the 1951 Refugee Convention or the 1967 Protocol, it has been harboring refugees for many years without any rules or regulations for their protection. The Malaysian Muslim refugee populations are afflicted in many negative ways by the lack of regulations of their marriage and divorce affairs in Malaysia. The administration of Muslim refugees in Malaysia must therefore be reviewed in light of Islamic family law, values, and teachings since Malaysia is a state that upholds Shariah law. The objective of this study is to conduct a scoping exercise into the laws and procedures relating to the administration of marriages and divorces of Muslim refugees in Malaysia and compares them with other laws and procedures in Muslim refugee host countries like Jordan, Turkey and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The focus of the scoping exercise is to investigate gaps and good practices in relation to substantive and procedural issues, particularly in the context of evidentiary proof of marriages and divorces of refugees and the associated implications of such gaps and good practices. This scoping study adopts a qualitative approach using the desk review methodology. The results of this scoping study will be presented together with suitable recommendations for improvements to be made in the area of the management of marriages and divorces of refugees in Malaysia.</p> Tasneem Rahmatullah, Rodziana Mohamed Razali, Zulfaqar Mamat, Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail Copyright (c) 2023 CFORSJ Procedia Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Isu dan Cabaran Dalam Pelaksanaan Program Pemulihan Terhadap Pesalah Jenayah Syariah: Kajian di Jabatan Penjara Malaysia <p>The Malaysian Prison Department (JPM) is part of the institutions under the criminal justice system, playing a role in enforcing punishments and executing court orders, both civil and Sharia, on criminal offenders until their release. JPM is not only a place to punish those who commit offenses but is more inclined towards being a correctional institution responsible for rehabilitating, guiding, and educating offenders to become disciplined and responsible individuals upon their release. The implementation of rehabilitation for both civil and Sharia offenders in the Malaysian Prison Department aims to restore offenders to a positive mindset and instill moral values, allowing them to reintegrate into society as normal individuals upon release. However, the implementation of prison sentences for Sharia offenders often sparks controversy and debate among various parties regarding the extent to which the rehabilitation goals can be achieved through such imprisonment. Therefore, this qualitative research aims to analyze the issues and challenges hindering the implementation of existing rehabilitation programs in the Malaysian Prison Department for Sharia offenders sentenced to imprisonment. The research findings indicate that Sharia crime offenders are religious offenders, and suitable rehabilitation programs need to be developed.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Jabatan Penjara Malaysia (JPM) adalah merupakan sebahagian daripada institusi di bawah sistem keadilan jenayah (<em>criminal justice system</em>) yang berperanan untuk menguatkuasakan hukuman dan melaksanakan perintah mahkamah baik sivil mahupun syariah ke atas pesalah jenayah sehinggalah mereka dibebaskan. JPM bukan sahaja merupakan tempat untuk menghukum mereka yang melakukan kesalahan, namun lebih menjurus sebagai institusi koreksional yang bertanggung jawab untuk memulih, memimpin dan mendidik pesalah agar menjadi individu yang berdisiplin dan bertanggungjawab setelah mereka dibebaskan. Pelaksanaan pemulihan pesalah sama ada pesalah sivil atau syariah di Jabatan Penjara Malaysia meletakkan objektifnya untuk memulihkan pesalah supaya bersikap positif dan memiliki nilai murni agar dapat kembali ke pangkuan masyarakat apabila dibebaskan sebagai individu yang normal. Walau bagaimanapun, pelaksanaan hukuman penjara ke atas pesalah syariah sering kali menimbulkan polemik dan perdebatan di kalangan pelbagai pihak mengenai sejauh mana matlamat pemulihan dapat dicapai daripada hukuman pemenjaraan tersebut. Justeru, penulisan yang mengguna pakai metod kualitatif ini akan menganalisis isu dan permasalahan yang membelenggu pelaksanaan program pemulihan sedia ada di Jabatan Penjara Malaysia terhadap pesalah syariah yang dijatuhi hukuman penjara. Dapatan kajian memperlihatkan bahawa pesalah jenayah syariah adalah merupakan pesalah agama dan program pemulihan yang bersesuaian perlu dibangunkan.</p> Hasnizam Hashim, Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail, Ahmad Syukran Baharuddin, Lukman Abdul Mutalib, Zulfaqar Mamat, Baidar Mohammed Mohammed Hasan, Norma Jusof , Mohamad Aniq Aiman Alias Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Pelaksanaan Hukuman Alternatif Terhadap Pesalah Jenayah di Bawah Sistem Perundangan Syariah di Malaysia <p>The current trend in criminal punishment emphasizes a serious focus on the rehabilitation agenda as one of the primary goals to be achieved from the imposed sentences. Various forms of rehabilitation-oriented alternative punishments are introduced from time to time, aiming to rehabilitate offenders rather than merely punishing them. The implementation of these alternative rehabilitation-focused punishments can also be seen in a much broader scope under the civil legal system in Malaysia compared to the Sharia legal system. Under the Sharia legal system or in Sharia Courts, discussions on alternative punishments are not as popular and are rarely seriously emphasized, even though there are provisions for them in the Acts and State Enactments. The punishments imposed typically revolve around imprisonment, corporal punishment, and fines, as provided in the Sharia Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 (Amendment 1984) [Act 355]. Therefore, this qualitative research aims to analyze the provisions in the Acts and State Enactments as an effort to examine whether these provisions relate to alternative punishments and to analyze the challenges hindering their implementation in Sharia Courts. The research findings indicate that although there are provisions for alternative punishments to be implemented in Sharia Courts or under the Sharia legal system in Malaysia, their implementation is more limited in scope and less popular compared to the Civil Courts.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Tren hukuman terhadap pesalah jenayah pada masa kini memperlihatkan penekanan serius terhadap agenda pemulihan sebagai salah satu matlamat utama yang hendak dicapai daripada hukuman yang dijatuhkan. Justeru pelbagai bentuk hukuman alternatif yang berorientasikan pemulihan diperkenalkan dari masa ke semasa bertujuan untuk memulihkan pesalah berbanding menghukum mereka semata-mata. Pengaplikasian hukuman alternatif bermatlamat pemulihan ini juga dapat dilihat pelaksanaannya dalam skop yang jauh lebih luas di bawah sistem perundangan sivil di Malaysia berbanding dengan perundangan syariah. Di bawah sistem perundangan syariah atau di Mahkamah Syariah, perbincangan mengenai hukuman alternatif ini dilihat tidak begitu popular dan jarang dibincang atau diberikan penekanan secara serius walaupun terdapat peruntukan mengenainya di dalam Akta dan Enakmen negeri-negeri. Hukuman yang dijatuhkan hanya berlegar-legar sekitar penjara, sebatan dan denda seperti mana yang diperuntukkan di dalam Akta Bidang Kuasa Jenayah Mahkamah Syariah 1965 (Pindaan 1984) [Akta 355]. Oleh yang demikian, penulisan yang menggunakan metod kualitatif ini akan menganalisis peruntukan-peruntukan yang terdapat di dalam Akta dan Enakmen negeri-negeri sebagai satu usaha untuk melihat apakah peruntukan-peruntukan yang ada berkaitan hukuman alternatif serta menganalisis permasalahan yang membelenggu pelaksanannya di Mahkamah Syariah. Dapatan kajian memperlihatkan bahawa walaupun hukuman alternatif mempunyai peruntukan untuk dilaksanakan di Mahkamah Syariah atau di bawah sistem perundangan syariah di Malaysia, namun pelaksanaannya adalah dalam skop yang jauh lebih terhad dan kurang popular untuk dilaksanakan berbanding di Mahkamah Sivil.</p> Hasnizam Hashim, Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail, Ahmad Syukran Baharuddin, Lukman Abdul Mutalib, Zulfaqar Mamat, Norma Jusof , Mohamad Aniq Aiman Alias Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Distinguishing Justice: Prosecuting Act of Terror by National Liberation Movement as A War Crime <p>Following the classification of war under international humanitarian law, national liberation wars are regarded as international armed conflicts and protected by the Geneva Convention. Nonetheless, some states' designation of these movements as terrorist organisations has left them vulnerable to prosecution under local and state laws due to the absence of a universally accepted definition of terrorism. This situation is made worse when members of national liberation movements violate the law and are designated as terrorists by the state. This paper aims to examine whether, as opposed to international terrorism law, the National Liberation Movement's acts of terror may be prosecuted as war crimes under international humanitarian law. The study analyses relevant legal laws and jurist opinions on the issues at hand using a qualitative approach via library-based methodology. This study reveals that prosecuting an act of terror by national liberation movements falls under international humanitarian law as international terrorism law does not apply. Furthermore, terrorism may be hard to prosecute under international law as it is not a crime that falls under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) due to the absence of a universally accepted definition of terrorism. In short, by prosecuting acts of terror by national liberation movements as a war crime, the International Criminal Court will be able to exercise its jurisdiction over the acts.</p> Hendun Abd Rahman Shah, Farzanah Selamat Copyright (c) 2023 Hendun Abd Rahman Shah, Farzanah Selamat Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Pengurusan Risiko Syariah di Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM): Peranan Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Panel Syariah (MJPS) <table width="606"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="606"> <p>Public universities in Malaysia currently place significant emphasis on the aspect of risk management in their administration. This can be observed through the establishment of Responsibility Centers (PTj) that coordinate and monitor the implementation of risk management in these universities. In the context of Sharia, risk management has its own specific meaning, encompassing various forms of advice, control, and approaches to ensure that all matters related to policy development, guidelines, or products comply with Sharia principles. This qualitative study aims to examine the role of MJPS (Islamic Legal Advisory Center) at USIM in managing Shariah risks in the university's administration, in line with its responsibility to assist and advise USIM on Shariah-related matters. For this purpose, several documents, including meeting minutes and fatwa decisions, have been collected and analyzed to gain an understanding of MJPS's role in managing Shariah risks at USIM. The study found that MJPS indeed plays a role in managing Shariah-related risks arising at USIM through advice and recommendations for the implementation of matters referred to them based on principles that are in accordance with Islamic law.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Zulfaqar Mamat, Irwan Mohd Subri, Razman Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 الوطن العربي والصراع الإقليمي – مثال – الصراع التركي الإيراني <p>The Arab homeland is a geopolitical term used to refer to a geographic region with a common history, language, and culture. The Arab homeland extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Arabian Sea and the Arabian Gulf in the east, including the countries that belong to the League of Arab States in West Asia, North Africa, and East Asia. Geographically, the Arab homeland includes lands that were occupied or became part of neighboring countries, such as Palestine, the Golan Heights, the Iskander Valley, the northern Syrian territories that France handed over to Turkey, Arabistan, Ahvaz, and the Emirati islands of Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa) occupied by Iran. Here the introduction shows the strategic importance of the Arab homeland. Except from a military, economic, religious, historical or cultural perspective, which had the greatest impact in dividing the Arab world into countries as stated in the Sykes-Picot Agreement and preserving disputed areas between those countries in order to remain an important element of division and conflict and to be able to control it. These disputes were used. To weaken any Arab regime could constitute a situation that contributes to building a country with military capabilities or contributions to the field of development that could be the nucleus of the desired Arab state, the most recent of which was the entry of Iraqi forces into the State of Kuwait, which ended with the American invasion of Iraq and the subsequent new American agendas for the region, such as the Middle East Project. The new one, which aims to divide the Arab countries into mini-states on a religious, sectarian and ethnic basis, in order to ensure Israel’s military and economic superiority over the countries of the Arab region and to ensure oil supplies to the West without there being a source of threat to it. In the wake of the Arab Spring revolutions, the region enters a state of rearrangement of the regions. The influence of countries, whether major powers or regional powers, has its rise and fall. The existence of the so-called Arab regional system as a whole is also threatened, turning into new circles, especially after the decline of the American military role or the unwillingness to continue this role as a result of the losses it suffered in Iraq, and from here it opened the way for regional powers to play a greater role in the region, the most important of which was the Turkish-Iranian rivalry. To extend influence in the Arab region, and in this research we address the research problem, which monitors the impact of the Turkish-Iranian rivalry and interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries. The research also dealt with the theoretical framework starting from the realist school, specifically the principle of the balance of power in realist theory, and it deals with the research method that was used in this research, which is the method. Descriptive-analytical.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ال</strong><strong>ملخص</strong></p> <p>الوطن العربي&nbsp;هو مصطلح جغرافي-سياسي يطلق على منطقة جغرافية ذات تاريخ ولغة وثقافة مشتركة يمتد الوطن العربي من&nbsp;<a href="">المحيط الأطلسي</a>&nbsp;غرباً إلى&nbsp;<a href="">بحر العرب</a>&nbsp;<a href="">والخليج العربي</a>&nbsp;شرقاً، شاملاً الدول التي تنضوي في&nbsp;<a href="">جامعة الدول العربية</a>&nbsp;في&nbsp;<a href="">غرب آسيا</a>&nbsp;<a href="">وشمال إفريقيا</a>&nbsp;وشرقها. جغرافياً، يضم الوطن العربي أراضٍ احتلت أو أصبحت ضمن بلدان مجاورة مثل&nbsp;<a href="">فلسطين</a>&nbsp;وهضبة&nbsp;<a href="">الجولان</a>،&nbsp;<a href="">ولواء اسكندر ون</a> <a href="">والأقاليم&nbsp; السورية الشمالية</a>&nbsp;التي سلمتها&nbsp;<a href="">فرنسا</a>&nbsp;إلى&nbsp;<a href="">تركيا</a>&nbsp;و&nbsp; <a href="">عربستان</a> الأهواز والجزر&nbsp;<a href="">الإماراتية</a> <a href="">طنب الكبرى</a>&nbsp;<a href="">وطنب الصغرى</a>&nbsp;<a href="">وأبو موسى</a>) المحتلة من إيرا&nbsp; وهنا تبين ألمقدمه الأهمية ألاستراتيجيه للوطن العربي سوى من الناحية العسكرية أو ألاقتصاديه أو الدينية أو التاريخية والثقافية والتي كان لها الأثر الأكبر في تقسيم الوطن العربي إلى دول كما ورد في اتفاق سايكس بيكو والحفاظ على مناطق متنازع عليها بين تلك الدول لكي تبقى عنصر هام للفرقة والتنازع ولتتمكن من السيطرة عليه وقد استخدمت هذه النزاعات لإضعاف أي نظام عربي يمكن أن يشكل حالة تسهم في بناء بلد له قدرات عسكرية أو إسهامات في مجال التنمية يمكن أن تكون نواه للدولة العربية المنشودة وكان أخرها دخول القوات العراقية لدولة الكويت والتي انتهت بالغزو الأمريكي للعراق وما تلاه من أجندات أمريكية جديدة للمنطقة مثل مشروع الشرق الأوسط الجديد والذي يهدف إلى تقسيم الدول العربية إلى دويلات على أساس ديني وطائفي واثني وذلك من اجل ضمان تفوق إسرائيل عسكريا واقتصاديا على دول المنطقة العربية وضمان إمدادات النفط إلى الغرب دون أن يكون هناك مصدر لتهديدها وفي أعقاب ثورات الربيع العربي، تدخل المنطقة حالة من إعادة الترتيب لمناطق نفوذ الدول سواء القوى الكبرى أو القوى الإقليمية، بصعود وهبوط لها. كما يتهدد وجود ما يسمى بالنظام الإقليمي العربي برمته، ليتحول إلى دوائر جديدة وخصوصا بعد تراجع الدور العسكري الأمريكي أو عدم الرغبة في الاستمرار بهذا الدور نتيجة للخسائر التي منية بها في العراق ومن هنا فتحت المجال للقوى الإقليمية للعب دور اكبر في المنطقة وكان أهمها التنافس التركي الإيراني على بسط النفوذ في المنطقة العربية وفي هذا البحث نتناول المشكلة البحثية والتي ترصد اثر التنافس التركي الإيراني والتدخل في الشأن الداخلي للدول العربية كما تناول البحث الإطار النظري المنطلق من المدرسة الواقعية وتحديدا مبدأ توازن القوى في النظرية الواقعية ويتناول منهاج البحث الذي استخدم في هذا البحث وهو المنهج الوصفي – التحليلي</p> Wael Ahmed Salih Harsha, Mohammad Nashief S Disomimba, Kamal El-Din Nour El-Din Marjouni Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Analisis Perspektif Keterangan Berhubung Penguatkuasaan Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah di Alam Siber <p>The enforcement of Sharia criminal laws is one mechanism for controlling the well-being of Muslims in Malaysia. However, the enforcement of these laws face challenges in the current era of borderless technology. There are Sharia criminal offenses occurring in cyberspace that cannot be enforced under Sharia law due to constraints, including evidentiary aspects. These challenges make the enforcement of Sharia criminal laws in the country not in line with the pace of technological advancements. This writing aims to analyze the enforcement of Sharia criminal laws in cyberspace, focusing on the evidentiary aspects in this country, while proposing resolutions to the arising issues. The study employs a qualitative method and a doctrinal approach. Data is obtained through library research, legal statutes, and reported or unreported cases. The collected data is then analyzed using content analysis. The findings of this writing reveal several issues arising from the evidentiary aspects that hinder the effective enforcement of Sharia criminal laws in cyberspace. Therefore, the writing suggests that appropriate measures be taken to ensure a more effective enforcement of Sharia criminal laws in cyberspace, aligning with the current developments in the world.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Penguatkuasaan undang-undang jenayah syariah merupakan salah satu mekanisme bagi mengawal kesejahteraan umat Islam di Malaysia. Walau bagaimanapun, penguatkuasaan undang-undang tersebut menghadapi cabaran ketika dunia sedang melalui zaman teknologi tanpa sempadan. Terdapat kesalahan jenayah syariah yang berlaku alam siber tetapi tidak dapat dikuatkuasakan di bawah undang-undang syariah disebabkan oleh kekangan termasuklah dari aspek keterangan. Cabaran yang wujud menjadikan penguatkuasaan undang-undang jenayah syariah di negara ini tidak seiring dengan peredaran zaman. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penguatkuasaan undang-undang kesalahan jenayah syariah yang berlaku di alam siber dari aspek keterangan di negara ini di samping mengemukakan cadangan sebagai resolusi terhadap permasalahan yang timbul. Penulisan ini mengguna pakai kaedah kualitatif dan pendekatan secara doktrinal. Data diperolehi menerusi kajian perpustakaan, statut undang-undang dan kes-kes yang dilaporkan atau tidak dilaporkan. Data yang diperolehi ini selanjutnya dianalisis menerusi kaedah analisis kandungan. Hasil penulisan mendapati terdapat beberapa isu yang timbul dari aspek keterangan bagi menguatkuasakan undang-undang kesalahan jenayah syariah di alam siber secara efektif. Justeru, penulisan ini mencadangkan agar tindakan sewajarnya diambil bagi menjamin penguatkuasaan undang-undang jenayah syariah di alam siber yang lebih efektif selaras dengan perkembangan dunia semasa.</p> Suhaizad Saifuddin Copyright (c) 2023 Suhaizad Saifuddin Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 جريمة التهريب الجمركي في دولة الامارات :دراسة تحليلية بين الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون <p>In view of the increase in financial and commercial activity in the country in recent years resulting from economic openness and the consequent complexity of laws and regulations that regulate the process of combating smuggling of all kinds and complexity, and the opportunities that this provides for those who do not observe the sanctity of the law to tamper with security and the national economy, and the requirements to combat this epidemic of preparing cadres armed with legal thought to stand and be stationed on the first line of defense and in defense of the country's soil, security and economy, we have worked hard to lay the foundations of the theory of customs smuggling. In the light of jurisprudence and the judiciary and their departure from the rules of criminal jurisdiction. The aim of the study is to clarify the role of Sharia and law in confronting customs smuggling, so this study uses the descriptive, analytical and inductive approach by observing reality, sources, laws and the office approach to know the purposes of Sharia. After collecting the data, it will be analyzed to produce comprehensive and innovative research results. Among the results of this study are the following: The UAE Customs Law regulates the punishment of customs smuggling crimes through administrative procedures in the first place and then to the competent judiciary.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ملخص البحث </strong></p> <p>نظراً لازدياد النشاط المالي والتجاري في البلاد في السنوات الأخيرة الناجم عن الانفتاح الاقتصادي وما ترتب على ذلك من تشعب القوانين والأنظمة التي تنظم عملية مكافحة التهريب بكافة أنواعه وتعقدها وما يهيئه ذلك لمن لا يراعي حرمة القانون من فرص للعبث بالأمن والاقتصاد الوطني وما تقتضيه مكافحة هذا الوباء من تهيئة كوادر مسلحة بالفكر القانوني لتقف وترابط على خط الدفاع الأول ودفاعاً عن تراب الوطن وأمنه واقتصاده فقد اجتهدنا أن نرسي أسس نظرية التهريب الجمركي في ضوء الفقه والقضاء وخروجها عن قواعد الاختصاص الجنائي .والهدف من الدراسة هو توضيح دور الشريعة والقانون في مواجهة التهريب الجمركي، لذلك تستخدم هذه الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي والاستقرائي من خلال ملاحظة الواقع والمصادر والقوانين والمنهج المكتبي لمعرفة مقاصد الشريعة. وبعد جمع البيانات سيتم تحليلها لإنتاج نتائج بحث شاملة ومبتكرة. ومن نتائج هذه الدراسة ما يأتي: إن قانون الجمارك الإماراتي ينظم عقاب جرائم التهريب الجمركي عبر الإجراءات الإدارية في الدرجة الأولى ثم إلى القضاء المختص.</p> Mohammad Abdallah Mohamed Al Ali , Hasnizam Hashim, Mohamed Nizam Awang Copyright (c) 2023 Mohammad Abdallah Mohamed Al Ali , Hasnizam Hashim, Mohamed Nizam Awang Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Relieving The Stress of The Rising Cost of Living: What Matter to be Reviewed by The Law? <p>Background Problems: There is no denying that continuously rising costs in economics have worsened the standard of living. The population of Malaysia is facing considerable difficulties because of rising prices of living (Sulaiman et al., 2020). It is getting more difficult and harder to maintain a decent lifestyle because of this increasing trend, which has caused several problems for both individuals and households. In this relation, there are a few problems that have been discovered from the study associated with increasing the cost of living. Hence, the study was undertaken to identify what are the possible solutions to this problem in overcoming the rising cost of living by exploring the constructs of product, minimum wage, job opportunities, financial literacy, and price of goods and services. This study utilized a quantitative research approach, in which a total of 260 questionnaires were distributed to participants. Out of these, 253 questionnaires were collected and considered acceptable for analysis as they were completed without any errors.&nbsp; The distribution of questionnaires was targeted toward all Malaysian citizens between the ages of 18 and 65 years old. The study employed descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis using SPSS software. The findings reveal that product revisions significantly may resolve the cost-of-living issue among Malaysian citizens (ꞵ= 0.491, p &lt; 0.00). Besides that, minimum income (wage) revisions are also evidence as able to resolve the rising cost-of-living issue (ꞵ= 0.238, p &lt; 0.05). In addition to that, the study showed a significant relationship between financial literacy and the cost-of-living issue among Malaysian citizens (β = 0.166, p &lt; 0.05).&nbsp; The study confirms the importance of revising relevant laws associated with significant findings. Precisely, to establish a law in emphasizing the importance of creating certain products using Islamic Marketing principles that may ease the burden of the people. Furthermore, the finding also suggests that revisions to the minimum wage that are commensurate with the hike in inflation rate are essential. Besides, the finding also suggests considering providing adequate financial literacy knowledge education to the people. Hence, the policymaker may adopt these findings in adjusting the economy to improve the standard of living of the people and consequently resolve the problem of the rising cost of living.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Mohammad Tahir Zainuddin Copyright (c) 2023 Mohammad Tahir Zainuddin Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Revealing The Nexus: A Comprehensive Review of Shariah, Law and Forensic Science <table width="606"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="606"> <p>Diving deep into the intricate web where Shariah, law and forensic science intersect, this comprehensive review sheds light on the multifaceted relationships that govern our legal and ethical landscape. Within the digital age’s ever-evolving dynamics, this study aims to navigate the historical, contemporary and future interactions between Shariah, law and forensic science. This study is a qualitative study and involves the use of secondary data sources along with the content analysis method. By analyzing a wealth of literature, it offers a panoramic view of how Shariah principles have evolved in tandem with the law and forensic methodologies. This study serves as a crucial resource for scholars, practitioners and policymakers seeking a holistic understanding of the harmonious coexistence of tradition, jurisprudence and modern forensic practices. As the nexus between these fields becomes increasingly vital in our globalized world, this study provides a roadmap for informed decision-making and ethical considerations in legal and forensic contexts.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Marina Abu Bakar, 'Atikah Ahmad, Nadia Murshida Abd Azzis Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 دور الإعلام الجديد في نشر الوعي القانوني المتعلق بمخاطر العنف الإلكتروني في الأردن <p>The study aimed to identify the role of new media in spreading legal awareness related to the dangers of electronic violence on society in Jordan, where the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach to answer the problem of the study and its questions and achieve its goals, by instilling and developing trust between individuals among citizens when dealing with social media and building a legally and security-educated generation, and not being exposed to electronic violence and the risk of diversity and the ability to confront dangers in the future as a result of arming it with the legal culture provided by the new media, through Controlling it and minimizing its negative consequences on Jordanian society if it is treated by modern and advanced media, The study concluded that the new media contribute greatly to increasing legal awareness of the laws to reduce the phenomenon of electronic violence and its dangers, spreading the concept of respecting the culture of the law, marginalizing behavior outside it, and trying to get rid of those social scourges that threaten the security of Jordanian society, if there is high-level media and responsible at the same time in investigating the sincerity of publications published through social media, and the need for community legal awareness through new media in order to combat crimes. Electronic violence by presenting it to specialists in a comprehensive national dialogue that brings together specialists, Focusing on the role of new media in helping members of society not to succumb to violence and what affects the soul by spreading legal and cultural awareness, the need for legal awareness through effective participation between the new media and the rest of the civil society institutions such as Aman FM and community police officers working in the Public Security Agency Workshops by meeting with the local community in spreading legal awareness of the laws governing this violence and legal penalties, not to extravagant when using social media and falling with the prohibited and not reaching the ominous consequences.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong> الملخص</strong></p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p>هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على دور الإعلام الجديد في نشر الوعي القانوني المتعلق بمخاطر العنف الإلكتروني على المجتمع في الأردن، حيثُ استخدم الباحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي للإجابة على مشكلة الدراسة وأسئلتها وتحقيق أهدافها، من خلال غرس وإنماء الثقة بين أفراد بين الموطنين عند التعامل مع وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وبناء جيل مثقف قانوني وأمني قادر على مشكلاته بنفسة عند التعرض لأي جريمة كانت تُرتكب من خلال وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، وعدم التعرض للعنف الإلكتروني ومخاطرة المتنوعة والقدرة على مجابهة الأخطار مستقبلاً نتيجة تسلحه بالثقافة القانونية التي تزودها وسائل الإعلام الجديد، من خلال السيطرة عليه والتقليل من نتائجه السلبية على المجتمع الأردني إذا ما تم معالجة بوسائل إعلامية حديثة ومتطورة. خلصت الدراسة على أن لوسائل الإعلام الجديد تساهم إلى حد كبير في زيادة الوعي القانوني بقوانين الحد من ظاهرة العنف الإلكتروني ومخاطرها ونشر مفهوم احترام ثقافة القانون وتهميش السلوك الخارج عن عنه ومحاولة التخلص من تلك الآفات الاجتماعية التي تهدد أمن المجتمع الأردني، إذا كان هناك إعلام رفيع المستوى ومسئول في نفس الوقت في تحري صدق المنشورات التي تنشر عبر وسائل التوصل الاجتماعي، وضرورة التوعية القانونية المجتمعية من خلال الإعلام الجديد من أجل مكافحة جرائم العنف الإلكتروني من خلال عرضها على المختصين بحوار وطني شامل يُجمع فيه أهل الاختصاص، التركيز على دور الإعلام الجديد في مساعدة أبناء المجتمع في عدم الخضوع للعنف وما يؤثر على النفس من خلال نشر الوعي القانوني والثقافي<strong>، </strong>ضرورة التوعية القانونية من خلال المشاركة الفعالة ما بين الإعلام الجديد وباقي مؤسسات المجتمع المدني من إذاعة أمن أف أم وضباط الشرطة المجتمعية العاملين بجهاز الأمن العام بورشات العمل من خلال الالتقاء بالمجتمع المحلي في نشر الوعي القانوني للقوانين الناظمة لهذا العنف والعقوبات القانونية، بعدم الإسراف عند التعاطي بوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والوقوع بالمحظور وعدم الوصول إلى ما لا يحمد عقباه.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Mohannad Radi Radad Al Sarhan, Hassan Fahad Al-sarhan Copyright (c) 2023 Mohannad Radi Radad Al Sarhan, Hassan Fahad Al-sarhan Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 تحليل الإطار القانوني والإجرائي للتحكيم في النزاعات الرياضية في القانون الإماراتي دراسة مقارنه مع القانون المصري والفرنسي <p>This study aims to analyze the legal and procedural framework for arbitration in sports disputes in UAE law and compare it with Egyptian and French laws. This was done through a comparison between the provisions of sports legislation in the Emirates, specifically Federal Law No. 16 of 2016, which relates to the establishment of the Emirates Center for Sports Arbitration and its procedural rules, and the provisions of sports laws in Egypt and France. In this study, concepts related to sports arbitration were presented, and the role of specialized centers in sports arbitration was emphasized, such as the Emirates Sports Arbitration Center in the Emirates, the Egyptian Center for Sports Settlement and Arbitration in Egypt, and the Sports Arbitration Chamber in France. This is in addition to highlighting the procedures that must be followed in the sports arbitration process and the importance of adhering to them to ensure the validity and legitimacy of the arbitration process. Arbitration procedures in sports disputes were discussed and analyzed in accordance with UAE and comparative legislation in Egypt and France. In conclusion, it was found that the Emirati legislator and the Egyptian and French legislators determined arbitration procedures in contractual disputes, starting from the formation of arbitration bodies until the issuance of the final ruling. The need to determine the laws applicable to arbitration procedures was emphasized, whether by agreement between the parties or in accordance with the sports regulations in force in the country.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>الملخّص</strong></p> <p>تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تحليل الإطار القانوني والإجرائي للتحكيم في النزاعات الرياضية في القانون الإماراتي ومقارنته مع القوانين المصرية والفرنسية. وقد تم ذلك من خلال مقارنة بين أحكام التشريعات الرياضية في الإمارات، وتحديداً القانون الاتحادي رقم 16 لسنة 2016 الذي يتعلق بتأسيس مركز الإمارات للتحكيم الرياضي وقواعده الإجرائية، وبين أحكام قوانين الرياضة في مصر وفرنسا. وقد تم في هذه الدراسة عرض المفاهيم المتعلقة بالتحكيم الرياضي كما تم التأكيد على دور المراكز المتخصصة في التحكيم الرياضي، مثل مركز الإمارات للتحكيم الرياضي في الإمارات، والمركز المصري للتسوية والتحكيم الرياضي في مصر، وغرفة التحكيم الرياضي في فرنسا. هذا بالإضافة إلى تسليط الضوء على الإجراءات التي يجب اتباعها في عملية التحكيم الرياضي وأهمية الالتزام بها لضمان صحة وشرعية عملية التحكيم. وقد تمت مناقشة إجراءات التحكيم في المنازعات الرياضية وتحليلها بما يتوافق مع التشريعات الإماراتية والمقارنة في مصر وفرنسا. وفي الختام، تبين أن المشرع الإماراتي والمشرعين المصريين والفرنسيين قاموا بتحديد إجراءات التحكيم في المنازعات التعاقدية بدءًا من تشكيل هيئات التحكيم وصولاً إلى صدور الحكم النهائي. تم التأكيد على ضرورة تحديد القوانين المطبقة على إجراءات التحكيم، سواء بالاتفاق بين الأطراف أو وفقًا للوائح الرياضية المعمول بها في الدولة.</p> Mohamed Abdulla Al Madhaani, Hasnizam Hashim , Abdul Manan Ismail Copyright (c) 2023 Mohamed Abdulla Al Madhaani, Hasnizam Hashim , Abdul Manan Ismail Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 جريمة الأمن السيبراني والمسؤولية القانونية في انتهاك خصوصية البيانات والمعلومات في قانون دولة الإمارات دراسة وصفيه تحليلية <p>The study aims to clarify the problem of the forms of assault on information privacy in cyber breaches and the assault on the privacy of data and personal information, especially confidential and personal ones, through full or partial access to those private secrets so that certainty can be known and understood. If the secrets are in a language that the perpetrator does not understand, first it is better to analyze them. Access was not achieved except through the integration of the image and the interconnection of its parts. If what the actor viewed were nothing but unconnected particles, without a useful meaning, then access would not be achieved either. This access must in itself be illegal and must be carried out by a person who does not legally have a license to access that information. Information, and for this picture to be achieved, the access must be abstract, that is, the intent of the perpetrator is merely to view that confidential information and merely have personal knowledge of it. The research relied on the descriptive analytical inductive method in order to reach objective results that achieve the goal of the study. The research reached an important result, which is what distinguishes the crime of cyber hacking, which is that it is a quick-executing crime, as in most cases the physical element is nothing but pressing a specific key on the device, with the possibility of implementing this remotely without the requirement of being present at the crime scene. Therefore, electronic crime, due to the ease with which it is committed, has constituted an element of temptation for criminals, since committing it is no more than the availability of the possibility of exploiting technology and modern technology, especially when the perpetrator is a public employee or in one of the companies that rely on the computer in the nature of its work related to information or money, so that it has all the necessary information. To achieve multiple successive breakthroughs in the company's computer systems and achieve huge profits. For this reason, the need arose for strong protection methods for information stored in computers or electronic transmission media, an example of which is what are called firewalls or firewalls, which are protection programs that prevent penetration or unauthorized entry. The research came up with recommendations, the most important of which is allocating a legal article in the Rumors and Electronic Crimes Law that criminalizes the use of cyber hacking systems to commit the crime and introducing a special penalty in the Crimes and Penalties Law for the crime of hacking government information systems.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <table width="606"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="606"> <p><strong>الملخّص</strong></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="606"> <p>تهدف الدراسة إلى بيان إشكالية صور الاعتداء على الخصوصية المعلوماتية في الاختراقات السيبرانية والاعتداء على خصوصية البيانات والمعلومات الشخصية وخاصة السرية والشخصية منها، عبر الاطلاع الكلي أو الجزئي على تلك الأسرار الخاصة بحيث يقوم اليقين بالعلم بها وفهمها، فإذا كانت الأسرار بلغة لا يفهمها الفاعل أولا يحسن تحليلها، لم يتحقق الاطلاع إلا بتكامل الصورة وترابط أجزائها فإذا لم يكن ما اطلع عليه الفاعل سوى جزيئات غير مترابطة، غير ذات معنى مفيد لم يتحقق الاطلاع أيضا، وهذا الاطلاع يجب أن يكون في ذاته غير مشروع وان يتم من شخص لا يملك قانونا ترخيصاً بالولوج إلى تلك المعلومات، كما يشترط لتحقق هذه الصورة أن يكون الاطلاع مجردة أي أن يكون قصد الفاعل هو الاطلاع فحسب على تلك المعلومات السرية ومجرد العلم الشخصي بها، واعتمد البحث على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي الاستقرائي بهدف الوصول الى نتائج موضوعيه تحقق الهدف من الدراسة، وتوصل البحث الى نتيجة هامة هي ما يميز جريمة الاختراق السيبراني هي أنها جرائم سريعة التنفيذ إذ أنه وفي أغلب الأحيان لا يكون الركن المادي سوى ضغط على مفتاح معين في الجهاز مع إمكان تنفيذ ذلك عن بعد دون اشتراط التواجد في مسرح الجريمة ولهذا فأن الجريمة الالكترونية ولسهولة ارتكابها شكلت عنصر إغراء للمجرمين وإذ أن ارتكابها لا يتعدى سوى توفر إمكانية استغلال التكنولوجيا والتقنية الحديثة خصوصا عندما يكون الجاني موظفا عاما أو في إحدى الشركات التي تعتمد على الحاسب الآلي في طبيعة عملها المتعلق بالمعلومات أو الأموال بحيث يكون لديها كافة المعلومات اللازمة لتحقيق اختراقات متعددة ومتتالية لأنظمة الحاسب الآلي في الشركة وتحقيق أرباح طائلة. ولهذا نشأت الحاجة لوجود طرق حماية قوية للمعلومات المخزنة في أجهزة حاسوب أو وسائط نقل الكترونية ومثال ذلك ما يسمى بجدران الحماية أو الجدران النارية وهي عبرة عن برامج حماية تمنع الاختراق أو الدخول غير المصرح به. وخرج البحث بتوصيات اهمها تخصيص مادة قانونية في قانون الشائعات والجرائم الإلكترونية تجرم استخدام أنظمة الاختراق السيبراني في ارتكاب الجريمة واستحداث عقوبة خاصة في قانون الجرائم والعقوبات على جريمة اختراق الأنظمة المعلوماتية الحكومية.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Mohammed Hassan Merdad Obaid, Norfadhilah Mohamad Ali, Ahmad Zaki Salleh Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 توظيف تقنيات النظم الخبيرة في مكافحة الجرائم الدولية ضمن الأطر القانونية لمحكمة الجنايات الدولية دراسة لأحكام القانون الإماراتي والدولي <p>The study aims to know the expert systems and modern techniques in combating international crimes such as international terrorism and its impact on contemporary thought and confronting it at the internal and external international levels. Through knowledge of these expert systems and legal frameworks that determine the relationship with the UAE Penal Code and the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court to combat these serious crimes, deter them, and in light of that, reconsider the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in proportion to international crimes that are created continuously and in different aspects, and demonstrate a complementary relationship between Member states in the national judiciary and the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and how expert systems and modern technologies affect them. The research relied on the descriptive analytical inductive method in order to reach objective results that achieve the goal of this study. The research reached a set of results, the most important of which is the complementary relationship between the International Criminal Court and national courts, which helps implement the applicable laws in combating international crimes through expert systems and modern technologies. The research came up with recommendations, the most important of which is the existence of an independent International Criminal Court as a necessary mechanism to ensure respect for the principles of international law, protection of human rights, and justice for victims, in the absence of another permanent and effective mechanism for the issue of people who violate the rules of international law and commit the most heinous crimes against humanity. It is also a call to all countries, especially Arab countries, to make amendments to their national legislation in line with international standards and to apply expert systems and modern technologies to them.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>الملخص</strong></p> <p>تهدف الدراسة إلى معرفة النظم الخبيرة ولتقنيات الحديث في مكافحة الجرائم الدولية كالإرهاب الدولي وأثره على الفكر المعاصر ومواجهته على المستوى الداخلي والخارجي الدولي. من خلال معرفة هذه النظم الخبيرة والأطر القانونية التي تحدد العلاقة بقانون العقوبات الإماراتي واختصاصات المحكمة الجنائية الدولية لمكافحة هذه الجرائم الخطيرة، وردعها وفي ضوء ذلك، وإعادة النظر في اختصاص المحكمة الجنائية الدولية بما يتناسب مع الجرائم الدولية والتي تنشئ بشكل مستمر وبأوجه مختلفة وبيان علاقة تكاملية بين الدول الأعضاء في القضاء الوطني والاختصاص القضائي لمحكمة الجنايات الدولية وكيف تؤثر النظم الخبيرة والتقنيات الحديثة عليها. واعتمد البحث على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي الاستقرائي بهدف الوصول الى نتائج موضوعيه تحقق الهدف من هذه الدراسة، وتوصل البحث الى مجموعه من النتائج أهمها تكاملية العلاقة بين المحكمة الجنائية الدولية والمحاكم الوطنية بما يساعد على تطبيق القوانين النافذة في مكافحة الجرائم الدولية عبر النظم الخبير والتقنيات الحديثة وخرج البحث بتوصيات اهمها وجود المحكمة الجنائية الدولية ذات استقلاليه كآلية ضرورية لضمان احترام مبادئ القانون الدولي وحمايـة حقـوق الإنسـان وإنصاف الضحايا، في ظل عدم وجود، آلية أخرى دائمة وفعالة لمسألة الأشخاص الذين ينتهكون قواعد القانون الدولي ويقترفون أبشع الجرائم في حـق الإنسـانية. وأيضا دعوة لكافة الدول وخاصة الدول العربية إلى إجراء تعديلات في تشريعاتها الوطنية مع المعايير الدولية وتطبيق النظم الخبيرة والتقنيات الحديثة فيها.</p> Faisal Ali Ebrahim Almarzooqi , Abdul Samat Musa, Abdul Manan Ismail Copyright (c) 2023 Faisal Ali Ebrahim Almarzooqi , Abdul Samat Musa, Abdul Manan Ismail Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 الحماية القانونية للنشر الإلكتروني عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من وجهة نظر قوانين دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة دراسة وصفية مقارنة <p>The study aimed to know what social networking sites and electronic publishing are, to clarify the laws regulating electronic publishing on social media at the international level and from an Islamic perspective, and to explain the legislation of the United Arab Emirates in the field of electronic publishing on social media. The importance of the study emerged through learning about the local and international laws concerned with electronic publishing on social media sites and the international and Emirati legal legislation in this field. It provides researchers with a new source for the Arab Library on electronic publishing and the legal aspects regulating it. The current research used the descriptive analytical method, which relies on studying the phenomenon as it exists in reality and is concerned with describing it accurately and expressing it qualitatively, which is appropriate to the nature of the problem of the current research and the goals it seeks to achieve, as it is the most appropriate scientific research method related to the field of legal sciences. The comparison was also used. In reviewing the research problem and analyzing it in order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer its questions. The study reached many results, the most important of which is that technical development and means of communication, the widespread use of social networking sites, and the emergence of software and developments in various programs require development and keeping pace with the regulating laws to keep pace with the current rapid development in various Arab countries, and publishing on social networking sites requires the presence of regulating laws. To protect electronic publishing in various countries of the world, the federal laws in the UAE took exemplary care in protecting the right to privacy, and criminalized acts that would affect, infringe, or violate the veil of this right.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>الملخص</strong></p> <p>هدفت الدراسة إلى معرفة ماهية مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي والنشر الإلكتروني، وتوضيح القوانين الناظمة للنشر الإلكتروني على وسائل الاتصال الاجتماعي على الصعيد والدولي ومن منظور إسلامي، وبيان تشريعات دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في مجال النشر الإلكتروني على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي. ولقد برزت أهمية الدراسة من خلال التعرف على القوانين المحلية والعالمية لتي اهتمت بالنشر الإلكتروني في مواقع الاتصال الاجتماعي والتشريعات القانونية الأممية والإماراتية في هذا المجال. وتزويده للباحثين بمصدر جديد للمكتبة العربية حول النشر الإلكتروني والجوانب القانونية الناظمة له. استخدم البحث الحالي المنهج الوصفي التّحليلي الذي يعتمد على دراسة الظاهرة كما توجد في الواقع ويهتم بوصفها وصفاً دقيقاً ويعبر عنها كيفياً وهي الذي يلائم طبيعة مشكلة البحث الحالي والأهداف التي تسعى إلى تحقيقها، كونه أنسب مناهج البحث العلمي التي تتعلق بمجال العلوم القانونية، كما تم الاستعانة بالمقارنة في استعراض مشكلة البحث وتحليلها في سبيل تحقق أهداف الدراسة والإجابة عن أسئلتها. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى العديد من النتائج، من أهمها أن التطور التقني ووسائل الاتصال وشيوع استخدام موقع الاتصال الاجتماعي بشكل كبير وظهور برمجيات وتطورات على البرامج المختلفة يتطلب تطوير ومسايرة للقوانين الناظمة لتواكب التطور الحالي السريع في مختلف الدول العربية، ويتطلب النشر في مواقع الاتصال الاجتماعي وجود قوانين ناظمة لحماية النشر الإلكتروني في مختلف دول العالم، وأن القوانين الاتحادية بدولة الامارات اعتنت بشكل مثالي بحماية الحق في الخصوصية، وجرمت الأفعال والتي من شأنها أن تمس أو تعتدي أو تهتك ستر هذا الحق.</p> Abdulla Naser Saeed Al dhmani, Izawati Wook, Nur Aina Abdullah Copyright (c) 2023 Abdulla Naser Saeed Al dhmani, Izawati Wook, Nur Aina Abdullah Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Masalah-Masalah Fikah Tidak Muktamad Menurut Mazhab Syafie di Dalam Kitab Bidāyat Al-Hidāyah Karya Imam Al-Ghazali: Satu Tinjauan Awal <p>This article explains the method of determining the definitive opinion (al-mazhab al-mutamad) of the Shafi'i school as established by the jurists (fuqaha) of the school. Understanding and knowing this matter is crucial for students of knowledge, scholars of the school, legal practitioners, and muftis when dealing with the diversity of opinions among Shafi'i jurists in their works. An initial overview is conducted on the opinions of Imam al-Ghazali in his work Bidāyat al-Hidāyah that are not in line with the view of the definitive opinion of the school. This writing is qualitative and descriptive, involving a literature review through document analysis of Shafi'i fiqh heritage texts, especially the book Bidāyat al-Hidāyah, and the writings of contemporary scholars related to it. The results of this writing show that a thorough and detailed understanding of the procedures for determining the definitive opinion of the school is a fundamental basis when interacting with the heritage texts of the Shafi'i school. Without a clear understanding of this matter, any fatwa or legal ruling issued may not align with the principles of the school and cannot be relied upon as representing the school. Imam al-Ghazali belongs to the category of Aṣḥāb al-Wujūh who lived before the period of updating (taḥrīr) the school. Therefore, in the book Bidāyat al-Hidāyah, there are some fiqh issues that are not definitive according to the Shafi'i school. These issues are considered al-ikhtiyār, reflecting Imam al-Ghazali's independent reasoning (ijtihad) based on the scriptural sources. However, in matters of virtues and daily practices of a personal nature, not for issuing fatwas and legal rulings, it is not a mistake to follow these opinions.</p> Syed Salim Syed Shamsuddin, Muhammad Farid Wajdi Ab. Rahim , Mohammad Aizuddin Abdul Aziz Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 It Is Okay Not to Be Okay: A Case Study on Mental Health Awareness Among The Law Student in Multimedia University <p>Mental health issues are a very saddening and disturbing fact to admit by anyone. It is crucial for society to understand and to recognize how important the issue is for us to have a stable and healthy community. Research suggests that mental issues can be detected at a very early stage and may become worsen during their studies at the tertiary level. The objective of this research is to seek how far the university students are aware of their own mental health as well as their closest ones. The paper is targeting the University students as these graduates will become the future leaders and pillars of the society and to the country. In doing so, the paper adopts both quantitative and qualitative research methods in preparing this paper. Medical reports and law journals will be referred for discussion purposes. This paper also will use a survey of 207 students from Faculty of Law Multimedia University to analyse the level of awareness on mental health among them. Finally, this paper will be an indicator to measure the level of awareness on the issue among the law students in Multimedia University. Also, it contributes to the body of knowledge in discussing the issue of mental health-being among the young ones.</p> Nur Fazini Asro Ramzi Sulaiman , Asmida Ahmad, Nadia Abu Hasan Copyright (c) 2023 Nur Fazini Asro Ramzi Sulaiman , Asmida Ahmad, Nadia Abu Hasan Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Speech by Director of CFORSJ International Conference on Shariah, Law and Science 2023 (CFORSJ i-CONF 2023) <p>Ladies and gentlemen,</p> <p>Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, and a very good morning to all distinguished guests Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nik Salida Suhaila Nik Saleh, Dean of the Faculty of Shariah and Law at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Dr. Ahmad Syukran Baharuddin the Director of The Center of Research for Fiqh Forensics and Judiciary (CFORSJ), respected scholars, esteemed participants, and fellow researchers. It is an honor for me, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aspalilah Alias, the Director of this conference to welcome you to the CFORSJ International Conference on Shariah, Law, and Science 2023, also known as CFORSJ i-CONF 2023.</p> <p>Allow me to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the distinguished speakers, researchers, and participants who have joined us today, especially our keynote speakers, Prof Dr Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Prof Dr. Faridah Mohd Nor from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), and our esteemed invited speakers, Dr. Yacoup Mustafa Mahmoud Saleh from Emirates, Abu Dhabi, and Dr. Arofi Kurniawan from Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia.</p> <p>This conference, being held virtually, showcases the adaptability and resilience of the academic community in the face of challenges. We have 37 presenters from all over the world including 32 oral presenters from Malaysia and 5 presenters from international countries who are contributing to the discourse in English, Arabic, and Malay languages, covering diverse aspects of Shariah, law, forensic science, and related fields. The presenters also come from different universities and agencies such as USIM, UNISEL, UNIPSAS, UMT, UKM, Sokoto State (Nigeria), Indonesian International Islamic University, American University in Emirates, Libyan Authority for Scientific Research and Universitas Darussalam Indonesia.</p> <p>I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the committee members, Prof. Dr. Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail, Dr. Ahmad Syukran Baharuddin, Mr. Mohamad Aniq Aiman Alias, Dr. Zulfaqar Mamat, Associate Prof. Dr. Lukman Abdul Mutalib, Dr. Hasnizam Hashim, and Mr/ Radin Taufiq, for their dedication and hard work in making this conference possible.</p> <p>The Center of Research for Fiqh Forensics and Judiciary (CFORSJ) takes pride in organizing this International Conference to provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and professionals from Malaysia and all over the world, and beyond to share their insights and experiences. The digital era brings with it a myriad of challenges, and it is through collaborative efforts and interdisciplinary approaches that we can navigate the complexities of this era.</p> <p>The theme of this conference, "<strong>The Role of Shariah, Law, and Forensic Science in Facing the Challenges of the Digital Revolution Era,"</strong> is timely and relevant. In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the intersection of Shariah, law, and forensic science plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges posed by the digital revolution. As we witness unprecedented advancements in technology, it is imperative for scholars and practitioners in these fields to come together and explore innovative solutions. The digital revolution has transformed many aspects of society, including the legal and forensic landscape. The intersection of Shariah, law, and forensic science in the context of the digital revolution era presents unique challenges and opportunities.</p> <p>Shariah serves as a moral and ethical guide for the development and use of digital technologies, emphasizing principles like justice and fairness. It can inform policies and regulations that safeguard privacy, ensuring security in line with Islamic values. Shariah-compliant financial transactions and digital commerce uphold fairness and transparency in the digital economy.</p> <p>Legal frameworks must adapt to address emerging digital challenges, enacting laws regulating activities, protecting individuals' rights, and aligning with Shariah principles to ensure justice in addressing digital crimes. Robust legal protection for digital content, innovations, and inventions, aligned with Shariah principles, respects intellectual property rights within an ethical framework.</p> <p>The digital era necessitates specialized forensic techniques, such as digital forensics, for collecting, analyzing, and preserving digital evidence in combating cybercrimes. Forensic science, crucial for maintaining legal integrity, involves experts providing testimony in legal proceedings related to digital evidence, aiding judges and juries in understanding complex technical matters. Balancing technological advancements with cultural and religious sensitivities is challenging. Ensuring that digital practices comply with Shariah principles without hindering technological progress is a delicate task. Cybercrimes often transcend borders, requiring international cooperation in both legal and forensic domains to effectively address and prosecute digital offenders.</p> <p>&nbsp;The rapid pace of technological advancement poses challenges for lawmakers and forensic experts to stay abreast of new developments and adapt their approaches accordingly. In facing the challenges of the digital revolution era, collaboration between legal experts, forensic scientists, and scholars of Shariah is crucial. This collaboration can help establish ethical guidelines, legal frameworks, and forensic methodologies that align with both the principles of justice and the demands of the digital age.</p> <p>I would like to take this opportunity, to give the global solidarity to support our brother and sister in Palestine. May we work together to help Palestine free. The international laws and syariah must be take the role for resolutions pertaining to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Emphasize the need for a two-state solution or any other viable and fair resolution that respects the rights and aspirations of both Palestinian and Israelis. May Allah protect our beloved brothers and sisters in Palestine.</p> <p>In conclusion, I wish all the participants fruitful discussions and meaningful exchanges of knowledge during the sessions. May the outcomes of this conference contribute significantly to our understanding of the role of Shariah, law, and forensic science in overcoming the challenges of the digital revolution era.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you and let the conference proceedings begin.</p> Aspalilah Alias Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Inauguration Speech by The Dean of Faculty of Syariah and Law, USIM <p>بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين</p> <p>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Alhamdulillah, first and forever, let us together express our utmost gratitude to the hadrat of Allah SWT because with the abundance of His love and permission, the plan to hold&nbsp; the <strong>"CFORSJ International Conference on Sharia, Law and Science 2023 (CFORSJ i-CONF 2023)"</strong> can be carried out as planned by members of the program committee consisting of the CFORSJ research group, namely the "Center of Research for Fiqh Forensics and Judiciary", a research group from the Faculty of Sharia and Law, USIM.</p> <p>A congratulate extended to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aspalilah Alias (Director of the conference) and all committee members of the CFORSJ i-CONF 2023 conference that involved in making this program possible. With their sincerity, inspiration, and work hard the conference could be carried out as planned.</p> <p>On this occasion, I would like to welcome and congratulate all participants who have participated in the CFORSJ i-CONF 2023 conference. Interestingly, the organizers also presented several wise academic scientists, especially in the fields of Islamic legislation and forensic science, as Keynote speakers and invited speakers, namely Professor Dr. Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail (from USIM), Professor Dr. Nor Faridah Mohd Nor (from UKM), Dr. Arofi Kurniawan (from Airlangga University, Indonesia) and Dr. Yacoup Mustafa Mahmoud Saleh (Ministry of Interior, Emirates).</p> <p>In addition, the organization of this conference has also indirectly raised the name of Malaysia as a country that has a unique legal system.</p> <p>Furthermore, I am also very honored and proud of the initiative that has been made by the research group from the Faculty of Sharia and Law, USIM namely CFORSJ to hold this conference which aims to explore issues related to Sharia, law and science in line with the theme <em>"The Role of Sharia, Law and Forensic Science in Facing the Challenges of the Digital Revolution Era</em>".</p> <p>I am confident and believe this conference will be an exchange of ideas and thoughts from all parties involved directly and indirectly in presenting issues related to Sharia, law and science.</p> <p>Finally, I once again congratulate all the committee members who worked hard to make this conference a success. The same goes for the management of the Faculty of Syariah and Law, USIM, who always provide support to mobilize this conference.</p> <p>With this, with the lafaz “بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم” inaugurate the program International Conference on Shariah, Law and Science 2023 (CFORSJ i-CONF 2023).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you very much.</p> Nik Salida Suhaila Nik Saleh Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Penerimaan dan Pengesahan E-Kitabah Dalam Keterangan Menurut Perundangan Islam di Malaysia <p>The rapid development of technology has had a significant impact on various aspects of life. This development has also caused a paradigm shift in the traditional method of documentation, particularly in the realm of evidence presentation. Previously, documentation was limited to tools such as pens, paper, and the like, but now, there is a new form known as electronic documentation or '<em>E-Kitabah</em>.' In fact, documentation is considered one of the most widely used forms of evidence in courts, whether in Civil or Sharia Courts. The use of <em>E-Kitabah</em> as a method of evidence has become quite prevalent in the Civil Courts in Malaysia. However, the situation differs in Sharia Courts, where there are issues surrounding the acceptance of electronic documentation as a valid method of proof. The absence of comprehensive guidelines or Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in the acceptance and storage of electronic documentation adds skepticism to the use of <em>E-Kitabah</em> in Sharia Courts. This writing aims to explore the acceptance and validation of <em>E-Kitabah</em> in legal proceedings according to Islamic legislation in Malaysia. To achieve the research objective, in addition to referring to written references, the author also conducted semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders. The results of this study indicate an urgent need to establish a model or specific guidelines for the acceptance and storage of <em>E-Kitabah</em>. Standard guidelines will provide confidence to the courts regarding the security of <em>E-Kitabah</em> data, preventing manipulation, and ensuring its acceptance as a reliable method of evidence.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Perkembangan pesat teknologi telah memberi kesan yang begitu signifikan dalam kebanyakan urusan kehidupan. Perkembangan ini turut menyebabkan bentuk <em>kitabah</em> yang merupakan salah satu kaedah pembuktian mengalami anjakan paradigma. Sebelum ini <em>kitabah</em> dibatasi dengan peralatan seperti pen, kertas dan seumpamanya kepada kemunculan <em>kitabah</em> berbentuk baru iaitu secara elektronik ‘<em>E-Kitabah</em>’. Sebenarnya, <em>kitabah</em> dilihat salah satu bentuk pembuktian yang paling banyak digunakan di Mahkamah sama ada di Mahkamah Sivil ataupun Mahkamah Syariah berbanding kaedah-kaedah pembuktian yang lain. Penggunaan <em>E-Kitabah</em> sebagai kaedah pembuktian digunakan agak meluas di Mahkamah Sivil di Malaysia. Situasi ini berbeza dengan Mahkamah Syariah Malaysia, di mana masih wujudnya isu dalam penerimaan <em>kitabah</em> elektronik untuk dijadikan sebagai kaedah pembuktian. Ketiadaan garis panduan atau SOPs yang bersifat komprehensif dan tersusun dalam penerimaan dan penyimpanan <em>kitabah</em> elektronik akan menambahkan kesangsian terhadap <em>E-Kitabah</em> di Mahkamah Syariah. penulisan ini bertujuan ingin melihat penerimaan dan pengesahan <em>E-Kitabah</em> dalam keterangan menurut perundangan Islam di Malaysia. Bagi mencapai objektif kajian, selain daripada merujuk kepada rujukan-rujukan bertulis, penulis turut menggunakan kaedah temu bual separa berstruktur dengan pihak berkepentingan. Hasil kajian ini menujukkan terdapat keperluan mendesak untuk mengujudkan sebuah model atau garis panduan khas penerimaan dan penyimpanan <em>E-Kitabah</em>. Garis panduan secara standard ini akan memberi keyakinan kepada pihak Mahkamah terhadap keselamatan data E-<em>kitabah</em> dari dimanipulasikan seterusnya diterima sebagai kaedah pembuktian yang meyakinkan.</p> Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail, Lukman Abdul Mutalib, Zulfaqar Mamat, Hasnizam Hashim, Ahmad Syukran Baharuddin, Baidar Mohammed Mohammed Hasan, Mohamad Aniq Aiman Alias Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Digital Revolution Era: Forensic Pathologist and Anthropologist Perspective <p>The field of forensic anthropology relies heavily on imaging technologies for detailed documentation of scenes and skeletal remains. Digital photography has greatly enhanced this process, capturing intricate details. While traditional radiographs have been standard, newer methods like computed tomography (CT) and 3D surface scans are now integrated for more comprehensive analyses. These technologies allow the recording of remains with soft tissue intact, aiding in cases where injuries are suspected. CT scans, in particular, help visualize fractures in their original position without causing damage. Forensic anthropologists are innovating techniques to predict biological attributes from 3D virtual models, using factors like surface areas and volumes for quantitative assessments of skeletal diversity. CT and MRI scans are transforming traditional autopsies into "virtopsies," providing more precise and accurate results. Modern software enables detailed manipulation of images, including 3D facial reconstruction systems that use animation software to sculpt faces onto skulls virtually, considering crucial surface details. In the broader realm of forensics, there is a call for standardized, modular methods to handle data and forensic processes to keep up with technological advancements and ensure reliable results. This talk emphasizes the importance of supporting research to avoid lagging behind in forensic progress and maintaining trust in forensic results. Digital forensics, involving the analysis of digital evidence for legal purposes, is increasingly prevalent, especially in large-scale disasters, thanks to improved software and understanding of underlying issues.</p> Faridah Mohd Nor Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800 Artificial Intelligence as Supporting Methods in Forensic Dental Identification <p>Forensic dental identification, a critical facet of medico-legal investigations, is experiencing a paradigm shift with the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). This paper examines the role of AI as a supporting method in forensic dental identification, elucidating its impact on accuracy, efficiency, and collaborative potential. This article provides an overview of AI tools applied in forensic dental contexts, detailing their contributions to streamlining identification processes and improving precision. Real-world case studies illustrate successful outcomes facilitated by AI, demonstrating its efficacy in addressing complex forensic challenges. As forensic science embraces the capabilities of AI, this paper contributes to the evolving discourse by providing a comprehensive understanding of the transformative impact of AI in forensic dental identification. It serves as a foundation for further research, ethical deliberations, and advancements in leveraging AI to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of forensic investigations.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Arofi Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0800